viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

> Act 01

 what is your favorite dog breed's name? _Alaskan Malamute_____________

Vocabulary Activity:

sprinter: Velocista
jogger: Trotador
breed: raza
to hunt: de caza
laid-back approach: enfoque relajado
watchdog: Perro guardián
grooming: Aseo, Acicalamiento
Devote: dedicarse
A couch potato: Flojo, Aragan
Commands: orden
maintenance: mantenimiento
wooly: lanudo

> Act 02
- Then select 7 words you don't know and find their meaning.

meanningful: significativo 
leash: correa
neighborhood: vecindario
strengthened: fortalecer
behavior: comportamiento, conducta
method: estilo, método 
pungent: acre

> Act 03

My Cat From Hell, I really like this because is so interesting and fun, in this show  to take on the most catastrophic cat cases anyone ever has encountered. Jackson Galaxy is like a Cesar Millan but with cats.

America's Cutest Pets, in this show present home videos about differents pets like cats and dog, is so fun, makes me laugh a lot.

Saved, this show is so cute and realistic, shows the great bond and help you can give a pet.

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

My Autobiography

Hi friends!

My name is Kamila Castro Soto, I'm 18 years old, I was born Feb. 3 in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, I studied at Colegio Merryland and Colegio Ingles San Luis Gonzaga, I completed the High School studies at Colegio Monte de Asis, located in Pte. Alto. Now I'm a student of Veterinarian Medicine in Universidad de Chile.
My family is very small, we are only 3, my father Moisés, my mom Johana, me and my 3 pets, Elvis, Luna and Amy.
I love all kinds of music, may sound weird but it depends on my mood. I like very much watch movies, my favorites are scary, comedian and drama movies, I watch movies all the time! I like read my favorite are "you and I: catastrophic story" and "The Fault in Our star" and obviously I love all the animals :)